Sheba Feminine

Blog: Beyond The Cycle

PEP vs PrEP: What you NEED to know!

When it comes to sexual health, knowledge is power and it could even save a life! September is Sexual Health Awareness Month and this week we're focusing on the importance of PEP and PrEP. If you've never heard of these terms you're in the right place, as we'll be explaining key pieces of...

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At what age can I start using a menstrual cup?

Menstrual cups can be used by anyone of ANY age. If you menstruate, you can use a cup, and this includes teens and pre-teens. We know that getting your period for the first time can be very scary, overwhelming and the cause of so much anxiety. There's so much to learn about your body, the...

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Tips for swimming while on your period!

Summer's here, and as the warmer month's and festive season approach a lot of people are going to want to cool off with a swim! Having your period in the summer heat is the worst especially when you want to swim but because you're menstruating you're hesitant or scared. But, if you are REALLY...

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8 Ways to talk to your children about periods!

Did you know in South Africa, over 7 million girls and children who menstruate don’t have access to sanitary products? I’m Joe, from the international educational publisher, Twinkl. Twinkl was founded in 2010, with a goal of ‘helping those who teach’. We do this by providing high-quality,...

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How to handle your period while on holiday

While you may go on holiday, your period does not. This means that you may be forced to accommodate an extra traveler, Ma Flo. You might even have to plan your holiday around her. How selfish can one be? Menstruation should never keep you from travelling and although it’s annoying, it can be an OK traveling companion. This is how I deal with my period while traveling. If you have any other suggestions, please add them to the comments section. Let’s make this the most helpful guide.

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What’s actually in your box???

As a person that menstruates has it ever occurred to you that your usual box of sanitary
products doesn’t have an ingredient label? We know you’re probably having a look right
now… Yes, we told you. Your shampoo has an ingredient label, so do products such as your
deodorant, so why is it that a product that has contact with one of the most absorbent parts
of your body have no ingredient label? And without an ingredient label how do you know
what your sanitary products are made from or what they contain?

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My First Period

There are many names we call this monthly cycle we go through as females - The Red Tide, Your Womanly Time or Your Period - all of which are used to express that you are going through menstruation.

For decades it has been a topic almost everybody shys away from. We would like knock down those negative stereotypes about your menstrual cycle. Here at Sheba we want to celebrate every woman in their own right, celebrate their differences and similarities, and create a safe space to answer all those nagging, and often embarrassing, questions all women have.s. We are that best friend that can hold your secrets and insecurities under lock and key.

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How long do the Sheba products take to biodegrade?

We recently got an interesting and necessary question in our Instagram comments this week and knew we HAD to write on it- (Shoutout to @rebone_mmino for the awesome question). Rebone asks, “How long do the Sheba pads take to biodegrade?” Biodegradation refers to the chemical dissolving of...

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The Most Common STI’s: What you need to know! (Updated)

So the acronym STI usually gets people into a sweat. Sexually Transmitted Infections have been stigmatised for so long, we struggle to talk about them in public, let alone with healthcare practitioners. In fact, if you’re sexually active, statistics say you’ve most likely contracted an STI...

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