Vaginal yeast infections affect three out of four people with vagina’s at some point in their lives. Experiencing it at least twice in a lifetime is quite common too. Vaginal yeast infections are not sexually transmitted infections, but there’s evidence that it can be caused by oral sex. The fungus responsible for the yeast infection is called candida albicans. An overgrowth of this fungus is what causes the infection. Although fungus is common throughout the body; from the mouth to the digestive tract and the vagina, the fungus must be kept balanced and in check all the time. Otherwise, the risk of infection becomes high.
The vagina runs a very tightly oiled machine, and keeps a careful balance of yeast and bacteria. But, when something throws off this balance, it becomes vulnerable to infection. Yeast infections are treatable with an anti-fungal medication, which can either be prescribed by a doctor or purchased over the counter. However, we do suggest seeing a doctor first if you suspect you might have an infection. Below we outline key symptoms, causes and preventative measures for vaginal yeast infections.
– Vaginal or vulval itching or irritation
– Burning when urinating or during sex
– Vaginal rash
– Vaginal pain or soreness
– Thick, white discharge that has the same look and consistency as cottage cheese
– Certain antibiotics can cause vaginal yeast infection. This is because the medication not only kills the bad bacteria, but the good bacteria too which is responsible for ensuring the candida doesn’t get out of control. So, with nothing to keep the candida under control it can easily overgrow.
– During pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations are quite common which can also result in the disruption of the balance of candida.
– Hormonal contraceptives are also known to cause yeast infections, as they increase estrogen levels which impacts the balance of the good and bad bacteria in the vagina.
– If you’re diabetic, you’re more at risk of developing a yeast infection because the high levels of sugar can cause an overgrowth of of candida.
– If you have a weakened immune system due to a disease it can also result in a yeast infection.
– Wear underwear that’s breathable and preferably made of cotton.
– Try to avoid excessively hot baths.
– Don’t stay in wet or damp clothing or swimsuits for long periods of time.
– Don’t take antibiotics unnecessarily.
– Don’t douche, as it can remove good bacteria from the vagina.
– Try not to use scented products like bubble bath or menstrual products.
– Use a condom or dental dam when engaging in oral, penetrative or anal sex.
– Always wipe front to back when you’re done using the toilet.